Marusen, which has been preserving the tradition for about 150 years since its establishment, develops new products that take advantage of the good qualities of chirimen, rather than staying with the traditional furoshiki.
Certified company making this product
marusen co., ltd.
- Address
- 1875 Iwataki, Yosano-cho, Yosa-gun, Kyoto,629-2262,Japan
- +81 -772-46-2010
- +81 -772-46-2649
- marusen.kabu@gmail.com
- https://marusen-co.jp/english.html
Marusen is a manufacturer of Tango Chirimen that supports the Tango Chirimen culture of Kyoto from Iwataki, Yosano Town, Tango.
Our products are not limited to traditional furoshiki, but we have developed a variety of products that take advantage of the qualities of chirimen.