Call for TANGO OPEN Logo Mark Certified Businesses in 2022
The Tango Textile Industrial Association has taken over the logo mark certification dissemination project from the Executive Committee for the Tango Chirimen 300th Anniversary Project (dissolved on March 31), and is seeking businesses to use the “Tango Open” brand logo mark to certify businesses that produce and sell high-quality textiles and silk-related products, including Tango Chirimen, to improve brand power and disseminate information about them. The purpose of this program is to recognize businesses that produce and sell high-quality textile and silk-related products, including Tango Chirimen, and to improve their brand power and disseminate information about them.
Target Businesses
1) Individual business operators residing in Miyazu City, Kyotango City, Ine Town, and Yosano Town, or corporations or organizations with their principal place of business in the Tango region, who are engaged in the main process of planning and manufacturing or processing textile products in the Tango region.
(ii) In the case of a sole proprietor or a corporation or organization residing outside the Tango area, those who have the recommendation of a person who satisfies (i) above.
Those who wish to be certified should submit the following documents.
(1) Application for certification
(2) Written pledge
(3) Documents that provide an outline of the applicant (articles of incorporation, act of endowment, articles of incorporation or other similar documents, pamphlets showing business activities, etc.)
(4) Other documents deemed necessary by the chairman of the board of directors
Application period
Friday, July 29, 2022 – Wednesday, August 10, 2022 Applications must be received in person or by mail by 5:00 p.m. on August 10, 2022.
How to obtain an application form
(The application form can also be sent by e-mail if you wish.)
(If you wish, you can send it by e-mail.)
・Download the application form from the following website.
■Certification Screening Committee
(1) Examination Schedule
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 (tentative)
(2) Screening Method
The Certification Screening Committee members will conduct the screening based on the “Tango Open Certification Criteria”.
(The screening will be conducted by the Certification Committee members based on the “Tango Open Certification Criteria.)
Prior to the screening, the secretariat will hold a hearing. Depending on the content of the screening, the committee members may interview the applicant directly.
Certification Fee
15,000 yen per year
(The amount to be borne by the certified business. Certification is valid for one year from the date of certification.)
Renewal of Accreditation
When an accredited business operator wishes to renew its accreditation, it must submit an application for renewal of accreditation by the end of the period of validity of accreditation, and if the renewal is approved, the annual renewal fee will be borne as follows.
(1) For members of the association: ¥9,000 per year (including tax)
(2) Non-association members: ¥10,000 per year (including tax)
Contact for application submission and inquiries
Tango Textile Industry Association
Tango Open Secretariat, TOC Business Division
3188 Kawabe, Omiya-cho, Kyotango City, Kyoto 629-2502, Japan
TEL 0772-68-5211 FAX 0772-68-5300 E-mail info@tanko.or.jp